Recently, my Environmental Sustainability class listened in on a series of lectures about Sustainability at Royal Roads University (RRU). I was surprised to find out that RRU has included the environment in their development scheme since their beginnings in 1996. As the university used to be a military college there were many improvements to make towards a sustainable future. The university also rests upon a National Historical Site, Hatley Park. So, invested interest on the environment was already in place as part of its protection lies in that new development can only occur on previously developed areas. RRU has certainly stuck to its environmental commitments earning a silver ranking in Sustainability, Tracking, Assessment & Rating System or STARS. STARS allows universities to gauge their relative sustainability progress. Click here to learn more about the STARS rating system.
RRU’s Sustainability Office has outlined 5 key initiatives as the current focus of RRU:
1) Greenhouse Gas Management
2) Going “Grid-Positive”
3) Managing the Transportation Demand
4) Eco-sensitive Siting and Hertitage conservation
5) University Stewardship
These initiatives were given rise to by RRU’s Sustainability Plan. The Sustainability Plan is a long term plan for RRU to continue to improve its current environmental impact while the university is growing. Their plan hopes to accomplish the following goals:
· Teaching sustainable leadership on the challenges of Climate Change;
· Taking the lead and responsibility as environmental/social stewards in partnership with the surrounding community, and in particular the local First Nations.
· Being environmental stewards of local & global ecosystems represented on the campus grounds
· Taking an holistic and eco-centric perspective, goals, and approach to sustainable solutions, drawing on the diversity and expertise of faculty, staff, and students;
· Ensuring sustainability is ingrained in RRU’s Academic mandate.
· Facilitating collaborative solutions with working professionals and integrating a participatory approach to green innovation and tangible solutions for environmental, economic, and social issues .
· Reducing GHG emissions by 50% below 2007 levels by 2020.
· Becoming carbon neutral by 2010, in support of the Province of BC’s Climate Action Plan.
· Going “off-grid” by 2018.
· Containing and selecting development that follows green building design thereby safeguarding heritage designation and local ecosystems.
· Supporting and leading sustainable initiatives within academics, research, and community engagement.
RRU has become a leader in creating a chemical free cleaning method used on campus that was implemented ten years ago. Many of the harsh chemical cleaning agents used in schools and around your home are unnecessary and unhealthy. At RRU the custodial staff uses microfiber cleaning cloths. These cloths are environmentally friendly and better for the staff and students. They provide equivalent cleaning power and can be used over 400 times before a new cloth is needed. This method of cleaning can also be incorporated into your households as microfiber clothes are available for purchase by companies like Blue Wonder Cloths.
One of the most interesting advancements at RRU, is their commitment to community. In their attempts to go grid-positive, they have involved the surrounding community as future customers of their potential geothermal field. Here is a youtube video of Dr. Allan Cahoon, president of RRU, discussing the Universities hope for the possibilities of their geothermal field.
As you can see, RRU is a leader of Universities when it comes to sustainability initiatives and actions backing them up. It is extremely important that RRU receives student, staff and community support in its goals. Its commitment to becoming a sustainable business is ongoing and in need of constant attention. I am very proud to be a student of such a responsible and leading University when it comes to sustainability.